The key component of any ICO is investor confidence. Getting your ICO noticed by enough of the right people can be quite a challenge. Without making sure that your ICO addresses each of the points raised in this article in a way that attracts would-be investors your ICO has no chance.
Planning and executing any ICO is a time-consuming task. However, when done well, the rewards can be immense and ensure that you generate enough funds for your company to undertake whatever project it needs the ICO for.
There is a wealth of literature as well as past examples of successful ICO launches online. Doing your research for each stage of the ICO planning process will help ensure a successful ICO launch. If you at any stage feel that you don‘t have the necessary expertise then you should seek expert help from an outside company.
According to a study done by ICO Holder, “Blockchain Market Forecasted to Reach $28 Billion by 2025″. ICOs will be a big part of this.
Values of companies
Those companies who have already built their cryptocurrency or have invested in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin should already understand most of the key aspects of how the cryptocurrency market operates.
On the whole, investors are likely to already be part of the cryptocurrency community so will be familiar with the process of buying digital assets already.
You will need a good understanding of the mechanisms behind cryptocurrencies as well as what kinds of selling points appeal to the investors who use them. Being able to identify the unique selling points of your ICO will help ensure that it is a successful one.
Today‘s investors demand thorough and well-explained ICO white papers. Granted, there are still a small number of investors who jump in and buy up sackfuls of crypto-tokens based on nothing more than marketplace hype, but because of recent high-profile scams, few are willing to take that risk.
A good white paper should sell your ICO without ending up looking like a marketing paper. A white paper should be more like a science paper in that it should identify a problem before giving a credible step-by-step solution to the problem.
If your paper looks like it is all marketing and has no substance, investors are likely to suspect it as being a scam.
If you have never created a white paper before then you should think about investigating some of the ICO launching services that are out there. Since so much rests on how well investors respond to your white paper, you need to make sure that it is truly outstanding to make the biggest impact
Questions to answer In Your Whitepaper
What is the problem you aim to answer?
What is the solution to the problem? (Needs to be well presented and logical)
What market do you intend to focus on?
What is your business model?
Do you have an effective marketing strategy?
How much money do you need your ICO to generate?
What happens if you don‘t meet your fundraising target?
How much will each token cost?
How can they be purchased? (bitcoin or other altcoins etc.)
What is the long-term value of these tokens likely to be?
Other things to consider:
Is the ICO well-presented including graphs etc.?
Is it written in a way that best appeals to investors?
Have you explained your product properly?
Are the estimates and goals given in the ICO white paper realistic?
Understanding token launch can help you know the intricacies of launching your own if you have dreams or interest in building something meaningful in the cryptocurrency industry, You need a viable project, quality white paper, and an important road map that will make your investors buy from your idea and invest in the project, this leading to the growth of your crypto startup and value increase in the token.